Digital signatures, a form of electronic signatures, are created and verified using Public Key Cryptography that is based on the concept of a key pair generated by a mathematical algorithm, the public and private keys. The private key used to digitally sign a document is securely held by the owner, while the public key is made known to everyone for verifying the digital signature.INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR DIGITAL SIGNATURE
(A) For Class 3 Individual Digital Signature: (Used for Income Tax, GST, ROC (MCA), PF, ESI, Trade mark Application, ICEGATE etc.)
1. Information and Documents Required for Resident Individual Digital signature
2. Information and Documents Required for Foreigner Individual Digital signature
(B) Class 3 with Organisation Name (Required for eTendering in Railway, NTPC, Indian Oil, Power Grid, ONGC, Online Auction etc.)
1. Information and Documents required for Proprietorship Firm
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Proprietor
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of Proprietorship Firm
2. Information and Documents required for Partnership Firm
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Partner
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of Partnership Firm
3. Information and Documents required for HUF
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Karta
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of HUF Firm
4. Information and Documents required for Public/Private Limited Company
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Director
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of the Company
5. Information and Documents required for Society/NGO
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of President, Secretary, Chairman etc.
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of Society/NGO
6 Information and Documents required for Government Organisation
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Govt Employee.
(C) Class 3 with Organisation Name IEC Based (Required for Certificate Of Origin Application, SAFTA Licence, MEIS Licence, etc.)
1. Information and Documents required for Proprietorship Firm
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Proprietor
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of Proprietorship Firm
2. Information and Documents required for Partnership Firm
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Partner
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of Partnership Firm
3. Information and Documents required for Public/Private Limited Company
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of Director
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of the Company
4. Information and Documents required for Society/NGO
(a) Digital Signature to be made in the name of President, Secretary, Chairman etc.
(b) Digital Signature to be made in the name of employee of Society/NGO
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